Good evening everyone! This week I thought it would be fitting to talk about the fine art of pushing through trials. When we were young, we all had something we dreamed of being when we grew up: an artist, a firefighter, a superhero. For some of us though, we didn’t figure out what our dream job was until much later in life. But no matter what age you found your dream, you can still push to achieve that goal.
I was in the middle of working as a nurse and being an aunt when I found my dream job: writing children’s books…and I’ve been writing ever since.
But there are a lot of steps along this journey…finishing a book that you start, finding an agent to represent you, getting your book picked up by a publisher, seeing your book in print for the first time, being able to write as a full-time job.
I’ve achieved a couple of these goals so far along my journey, but I’ve experienced some stumbling blocks as well. Last year’s medical issues derailed a lot of momentum that I had built toward building my brand and marketing my book. I didn’t do anything with my social media accounts, I didn’t attend any book signings or author events, and I didn’t write a word on any of my books I’ve been working on for the entire year. Sometimes, I felt like I might never get back into the rhythm of writing and doubts would start to creep in saying I’d never achieve those goals.
But there’s one very important thing that I remembered as this new year started: God gives us talent to be used for His glory, He never puts more on us than we can handle, and He is always here to guide and help us. Once the Lord reminded me of these truths, I was motivated to get back into the swing of things – and it’s been great to feel that fire for writing and marketing again! I’m back to moving toward achieving those goals that are still out there, especially the goal of being able to write children’s books as my full-time job.
I know that we all experience bumps in the road, and some of those bumps can feel like mountains that we can never get over. But I want to encourage each and every one of you who reads this post to never give up on your dreams – you can still achieve them if you continue to pursue them!
#reachyourgoals #writingfulltime #dreamjobs #bumpsintheroad #climbthatmountain